Tournament Rules

Wizard101 Tournament rules
I. This is a practice not ranked match
IIa. Both contestants will take the winning leaderboard if they do not match or someone doesn't send it in then look at IIb
IIb. 1. None of you will receive a prize if they do not match 2. The one that does send it in REGARDLESS if they lost they will receive a prize.
III. Positive Charms: If you use positive charms 15+ times when you are sending the entry to the Losing Contestant take NOTE! Negative charms: no more than 20+ Negative Charms may be used Losing contestant: take note!
IV. No bad sportsmanship, if you do it at the end (ex. calls someone "noob" "You stink") is not allowed only say positive stuff (other good items instead of bad stuff- maybe I could help you improve?, I don't think you played that well would you like me to tell you some tips? etc.) Losing contestant: Take note.
V. No bad/inappropriate language if someone does this Other contestant: Take note.
VI. You are you're own referee be honest.
VII. Have Fun!
Pirate101 Tournament Rules

I. This is a practice not ranked match
IIa. Both contestants will take the winning leaderboard if they do not match or someone doesn't send it in then look at IIb
IIb. 1. None of you will receive a prize if they do not match 2. The one that does send it in REGARDLESS if they lost they will receive a prize.
III. No bad sportsmanship, if you do it at the end (ex. calls someone "noob" "You stink") is not allowed only say positive stuff (other good items instead of bad stuff- maybe I could help you improve?, I don't think you played that well would you like me to tell you some tips? etc.) Losing contestant: Take note.
IV. No bad/inappropriate language if someone does this Other contestant: Take note.
V. You are you're own referee be honest.
VI. Have Fun!
Hopefully these rules are right I just copied most from the W101 Tournament Rules soon we will have tournament staff send your stuff in of what you wanna be on the bottom to

Tournament Admin:
Tournament Vice-Admin:
Tournament Super Mod:
Tournament Mod:
Tournament Encourager:  
Tournament Master*:
Tournament Vice-Master**:
*Won the most games he is a Vice-Super Mod
**Won the least games and is a Vice-Tournament Encourager

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